All prints 8 1/2"x11".
$10 for one,
$5 each for orders
three and over.
A small shipping and
handling fee of $2.50,
not included.ere to add text.
This is a sample collection of water based pen drawings completed in a two week period in the fall of 1999, Austin, to add text.
Rainere to add text.
The Skullere to add text.
Dinoere to add text.
Sunrughere to add text.
Daemono add text.
NatureClick here to add text.
Jeffhere to add text.
Connections here to add text.
The End here to add text.
Numbersre to add text.
Flowerse to add text.
Snakes here to add text.
Shardshere to add text.
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Gallery Video!!